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"HULAN" (a 14's old White-Siberian-Tiger) latin dict size=0   common dict size=512
Image Info Original File Name: IMG_0891.jpg Resolution: 500x331 File Size: 144641 Bytes Upload Time: 2005:07:14 06:39:09
Author Name (E-mail): Tatiana Ch-K (
Subject "HULAN" (a 14's old White-Siberian-Tiger)

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"HULAN" (a 14's old White-Siberian-Tiger)
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what are you looking at?
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Amur Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is a rare subspecies of tiger (P. tigris). Also known as the Siberian, Korean, Manchurian, or North China Tiger, it is the largest natural animal in the feline family Felidae.
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The Siberian White Tigers are simply white-colored Siberian Tigers. They are not a separate subspecies of tiger, and are not albinos. They have blue eyes, a pink nose, and creamy white fur with chocolate covered stripes. The Siberian White Tiger is the largest and most rare of all members of the cat family. The females can range from 7 feet 11 inches to 9 feet tall and can weigh anywhere from 221-488 pounds. Males of this subspecies range from 8 feet 8 inches to an astonishing 11 feet and can weigh from 419-800 pounds!

The Siberian White Tiger can mainly be found in the coniferous, scrub oak, and birch woodlands of eastern Russia but there have also been found in northeastern China and northern North Korea. The Siberian White Tiger can survive cold weather because of their massive size and furry coat. Their white coat is also added protection when used as camaflouge in the snow.
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this is so cute
Guest Delete
these pics are so cute i love them so muchh <3 i love these picssssss yaaahh<3
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i love these picss alot tigers aree theee bessttt lol <3
Guest Delete
You people should know this. I'm 12 years old! o.O
All white tigers, captive and wild, are Bengal tigers. White bengal tigers to be exact.
Plus. they are not albino.
You guys are sooo clueless. hehe.
Guest Delete
these are white bengal tigers...
Guest Delete
how you seve the tiger??????
Guest Delete
the 12 year old dude is right and im 10 i even knew that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ashley Delete
12 yr old person there are such a thing as white siberian tigers you might want to check again.. and you shouldn't start blab molthing every one just becuz they think it cute stop tyring to be so smart. XD
ashley Delete
12 yr old person there are such a thing as white siberian tigers you might want to check again.. and you shouldn't start blab molthing every one just becuz they think it cute stop tyring to be so smart. XD
ashley Delete
and 10 yr old dont belive that weird-o she or he is not right and im older than you trust me.
Guest Delete
The twelve year old is right there are only such a thing as white bengals it only happens once every 10000 births and is a genetic defect.
maria Delete
francisco is hot!!!!!!!!!!!1
Guest Delete
i love tigers
Guest Delete
i love tigers
Guest Delete
they purddy
Guest Delete
hey fuk u u dumb lil bitc6h
Guest Delete
your an ideot there is such thing
CypeAlalley Delete
There are many sources of pain. The choice of treatment depends on what caused the pain. That's what i want to say here.
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